So today I had to work my full 8 was absolutely dead in the office. I basically got paid to sit around and talk to my co-workers. It was kind of neat and the other girls read the part in the bible about the arrest, death and burial of Jesus during our lunch time (in English and Spanish) to reflect about this day. My co-workers are awesome...we really like each other a lot.
The one hour bus ride home was pretty fast because I was listening to some nice music on my I-pod. Once I got home I found Pebbles on my bed asleep :) She was tucked into my blankets and with her Hippo. Too cute! I woke her up and got her ready for her afternoon walk. We had an awesome walk...the weather was amazing! We walked for about an hour and now she's passed out at home :)
I'm getting ready to take the bus to go into Hoboken as we speak(how do i look? :)! ) to meet Robert for dinner (he's working at the Hospital till midnight) and then stay around and read Eclipse (the 3rd book in the Twilight Saga...i'm very behind on it). I'm not studying tonight because I'm going to be at work tomorrow (with nothing to do) and i'll take advantage and study a lot then.Tomorrow after work i'm planning on going with Robert into The City and meeting up with Robert Blasko. I dont know if you guys remember that he was in Theater with me in High School and we went to prom together. He's living and working in California but is here visiting with his girlfriend so we'll probably grab some dinner together and catch up after all these years.
Well I hope you guys had a peaceful day! Loves!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Posted by Nannette Michelle at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
What a fool....
So this is gonna be a short post for the day...i'm exhausted! I don't know where my time goes! So today was obviously April Fools day and everyone TRIED...but did not fool me. Our boss sent us a letter telling us were were moving to South New Jersey...about 2 hours away...everyone flipped out but I was the voice of reason reminding everyone what today was...he's such a fool thinking he could get me ;)
So after work Robert and I tried this new "healthy" place (we've gone one other time before)'s called Muscle Maker Grill...very delicious! After dinner we ran to Target so I could buy a few things to make an Easter Basket for his family...don't worry it's nothin fancy ;). I got home and played with my baby Pebbles and it's ALREADY bed time!!!! Tomorrow is Good Friday but I unfortunately have work all day...oh and on Saturday least I have Easter off!!!!
I hope you guys had a good day! Loves!
Posted by Nannette Michelle at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain...
What started as another possible dreary day...turned into gorgeous 50 something degree weather here. This pic is the view of the city right outside my apartment walking Pebbles...beautiful! So I tried out the new "scary" leash that "chokes" Pebbles as we walk...and it was AWESOME!!!! She walked beside me like a normal dog the whole 30 minutes that we walked! I'm so happy that I finally found something that will tame the beast in her :). We saw lots of HUUUUGE dogs on the walk but Pebbles likes to pretend she's "brave" and go right up to them...however when they start walking towards here she'll start runnin like a baby!
So when I got home from my walk I found a note from the Post Office saying that they had tried to deliver my package but I wasn't home :( I rushed to the Post Office and picked it up :) yay...look at my yummmy goodies that mom and dad sent me because I was sick!Mmmm Lipton...Yummy Orange, Passion Jasmine Tea...a card...salchichas hahaha and other types of yummy tea!! This made my day! Thanks guys! Here's a close up at my favorite item(which I have enough to last me a few months!) and the card that was so adorable...
Thanks again mom and dad! That was an awesome surprise!
So I've eaten my left over Turkey meatloaf for dinner...had a shower and am about to watch American Idol before going to bed...I've had a wonderful evening :) Happy to rest! Loves!
Posted by Nannette Michelle at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
Rainy Day!
If we aren't getting hit by a big snow storm we're getting soaked by a rain storm! It's supposed to rain for a few days in a row with flood warnings and all...but no worries I live on a hill!
So i'm feeling much much better today! Thank goodness for all the rest that I got! It was a very long day at work so I'm glad to be at home. I'm making turkey meatloaf...mmmmm! It's in the oven as we in about an hour I'll be eating a slice of that along with a yummy salad.
Not much else going on...but I wanted to let you know that I was feeling a lot better! Loves!
Posted by Nannette Michelle at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
It's a new day...
I woke up today being able to BREATHE (for the most part) out of both nostrils :). A lot of sleep was KEY! As you know all I did yesterday was lay around in bed and rest. I went to sleep early last night loaded up on Robitussin and Vicks Vaporub. Although I'm not 100% better and my nose is still a runny mess...I feel a lot better today!
It's a pretty frigid Sunday morning I'm gonna stay indoors (unless I happen to go grocery shopping a lil later). I'm glad that I got some cleaning done makes the apartment feel less "sick" if you will. I'm doing the dishes as we speak (in the dishwasher of course) and watching pebbles attack her new favorite toy that squeaks all sorts of ways...we call it her "bunny".
Speaking of my darling little Pebbles...I took her to get her haircut last week and she looks adorable! Everyone that meets her falls in love with her! She's such a great little non barking puppy! We bought her a "tree house" so she can look outside the window in style :) It has a balcony, stairs and a cubby hole where she can hide. We also got her one of those training collars that basically chokes her if she tries to run. Because every time I take her on a walk, although she weighs only 11lbs, she drags me around instead of me being the one to walk her. So with this new collar if i pull on it she'll stop almost immediately. So far I haven't had the chance to try it out all that well because of the weather and then me being sick...but soon enough she'll be a dream to walk with :)
Well that's enough for now! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
Posted by Nannette Michelle at 10:08 AM 0 comments