So today was just one of those days! Allow me to vent...
I've been having issues with this new attorney...let's call her La Bruja...EVER since she started working with us. I'm generally a nice person and can get along with almost anyone...but this lady gets under my skin! She talks down to me all the time...and if you saw this'd see she's no big fuss. She's the most disheveled attorney i've ever seen. She talks like she's catching her breath all the time and sweats profusely. NO ONE in our office likes her (other than the boss) and even clients call us complaining about her talking too much and saying they dont understand what she's saying because she talks without taking breaths.
So a part of my job is to deal with the Discovery, among other things, and every time I receive it from the police department or court I put it in the client's file and write on the file "DISC REQ RECEIVED" and the date (disc meaning discovery and req meaning request...just in case ;) ) . She comes to the room huffing and puffing as always and throws the file on my desk and starts yelling that I didn't get all the Discovery...I was said yes i did it's in the file...she keeps talking like i'm a moron and screams "WELL THEN WHERE IS THE 'DISK'??? I HAD TO ADJOURN THE CASE BECAUSE YOU WROTE THAT THE 'DISK' WAS RECEIVED AND YOU OBVIOUSLY LOST IT". I smirked and said..."Do you know that disk is spelled with a "k"??? " she said "yes" and then I said "well "DISC" on this note means DISCOVERY...what did you think "req" meant???" co-workers are laughing so hard at this point...I made her feel as stupid as she tries to make me feel (obviously I'm aware i'm not stupid but she tries)...ha!
I can't stand her and it's obvious she can't stand me. She apparently thought I was a "white" girl from GA....and unfortunately for me she's a PR...grrr...someone told her I went to Law School and she replied to me saying "well I guess I could see that you could be smart"...grrr! I told my boss that she HAS to's either he fires her...or gets me some anger management classes and some blood pressure medication (not really...but i had to exaggerate)...and he put an ad up on Craigs List today! *Yay* I hope she's out soon (and falls down...right Dannah?)! She's such a meanie I wanna smack her across the face with one of our thick files!
Ok...glad I got that out :) Tonight for dinner Robert came over and cooked some fish and veggies for us. He left to go play baseball...his team is called the "Chupacabras" haha...they're gonna freeze their butts off with this tornado like winds goin on here! I just made a homemade parfait for dessert...2 strawberries, weight watchers low fat vanilla yogurt and a pinch of granola. Now i'm gonna study for a bit before Glee comes on!
I hope you guys have had a wonderful Tuesday! Lovings!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Anger Management
Posted by Nannette Michelle at 8:02 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
Back to reality...
Hey guys! I came back to cold rainy weather and work...booo...reality sucks!
This weekend was very fun. Friday we got there early because of the time difference that I wasn't aware of! It was sunny and warm and beautiful. The house that everyone stayed at was AWESOME.
As soon as we got there we said our hello's and Robert ran to the beach...cold water and all he enjoyed every second of it. I couldn't join in on the fun because I had my Bridesmaid duties to fulfill. I took tons of pics as the photographer was taking are a few...First one is of Brittany and John...but John wasn't allowed to take a peek at Brittany so they put a wall between them :)We nearly got rained on at the wedding...remember it was ON the actual beach (not near it) "aisle", no music...nothing fancy...just 42 fold out chairs and the sand and ocean. well...there was a bad storm coming in...but we got the I-do's in and the bridal party pics in before the storm really came down. The wedding party felt like we were the Storm got worse and worse and darker and darker..but we managed to stay dry :)
The reception had to be moved indoors but worked just as well. Everything was simple and laid back in true Brittany style. The cake...which looks just a plain ole' Publix cake that she decorated with chairs and brown sugar and chocolate seashells (she saved a bunch of money right there!)....oh and i tried a piece and it was DELISH!
She did the father-daughter dance in true Louisiana style with some jazzy tapping kind of music ...and her and George managed to not step all over each other! :)
Saturday was GRAY and cloudy :( Robert and I decided that that wouldnt stop up and we took a walk on the beach. It was soooo windy that the sand was just beating down on us and scraping my legs up. I had a cardigan and a towel wrapped around me (i was wearing a dress).We walked it for like an hour until we saw that a storm was coming through so we should head back. We ran into a Jellyfish...apparently a very deadly looks pretty though!
Once we got back...we decided to explore the lil towns of Panama City Beach/Seaside beach and Grayton beach. Here are a few pics from our travels.
Saturday night was the ONLY night we bought food (every breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner was prepared for everyone bye Debbie). We went out to this place with Dorothy and her new boyfriend, Collin and with Brittany's sister, Ali and her boyfriend (Brittany was fulfilling wifely duties with her hubby and his fam eating dinner at their place). We had so much fun talking and catching up.
Sunday was basically gettin all our stuff together and heading out the door asap so we could drive 2.5hrs, return the rental car, catch the flight to Memphis to then connect in ATL where we got delayed (as usual) due to inclement weather. Brittany made all the bridesmaids jelly...sounds random...but it looked gooood. I unfortunately couldn't bring it with me because I wasn't checking in my bags...but not to fear, Brittany is coming up here in May and will let me enjoy my delicious homemade with love jelly.
No worries I did get some studying in there (mostly on the plane). I guess that's all...I hope you enjoy the was nice to get away and enjoy good times with friends :) Lovings!
Posted by Nannette Michelle at 6:25 PM 1 comments