Saturday, June 5, 2010

First week...

Hello my loves!

So this week was my first week of part time working and my first week of classes. What a busy week it has been! If you skimmed over my schedule you'll see how crazy and demanding it is...and that doesnt include the time i'm putting into the lectures and obviously time i'm at work.

Working part-time is a bit of a challenge because i only have 4 hours to finish everything that i normally have 8 hours to do it in...Mondays and Fridays are our most demanding yesterday I was going crazy trying to finish everything up so I could leave eat lunch and begin my study day.

Since I didnt have "class" yesterday I worked on some essays assigned and got a head start on the homework for today. I then did my homework for today and finished my two essays for tomorrow (you're only allowed 30 min per essay) i techinically have the whole day today and tomorrow "free". I'll read over my material for Torts one more time and take the evening off to celebrate Robert's sister, Julie, birthday (21st to be exact) and enjoy myself for a bit.

It has been such warm and beautiful weather up here and i havent enjoyed it at all!!! as soon as i get into the swing of things i'd like ot be able to work some workout time into my schedule (which i havent done this week).

Pebbles has been the best study buddy...she hasnt been bugging me to play with her too much and actually took hold of my pen one day as you can see in the picture above...she's awesome

Each day i feel like i'm improving just a tiny bit makin mistakes i'm gonna learn how to fix them and improve...hopefully :). Well I'm off to make some lunch and read for a few hours...i hope everyone enjoys their weekend and does something fun...for me ;) Lovings!

Monday, May 31, 2010

First week of June...First week of Class

Hello out there! I hope everyone's enjoying their memorial day weekend...while i'm cooped up in my apartment on this gorgeous 90 degree weather day reading and listening to lectures!

Tomorrow will be my first day going part time until August...8-12pm...i should get home around 1pm and start studying by 2pm if not earlier! These next two months schedules are going to be insane! I have a 4 hour lecture almost every weekday (weekends 'off') plus according to Barbri...I must fit in at least 5-8 hours of extra study time other than the lectures! ahh! On the weekends they say to study no more than 10-12 hours total.

This weekend I took the opportunity of getting a lot of errands and chores out of the they dont distract me later on. Friday I cleaned my apartment thoroughly! Saturday I woke up early to go downstairs and do 5 loads of laundry!! and then went to buy my groceries for the next few weeks.

Yesterday I woke up at 7am and cooked and portioned out my lunch and dinner for this week (so I dont have to worry about that when I should be reading) and made a fresh batch of Sofrito! Yum! Around 10 am I was done so I watched 3 video lectures (2 hours each!) and then read 3 mini reviews and took 3 mini took me until 9pm to finish it all (obviously including a few breaks here and there) I was very exhausted last night. The mini reviews are to prepare me for my classes coming up.

Today I've watched 2 video lectures thus far and am getting ready to take my 2nd test. I've basically failed all of my mini tests...but it's ok bc I still have the classes to teach me what to do...all i have to do is PASS the test...not make a good grade!

Oooo I bought a wireless keyboard to go with the fact that I have connected my laptop to my big flat screen TV! I love it! It's great to watch my lectures on! :)

Everyday is gonna be a struggle and a bit'll just have to deal with my crazy moodiness until the end of july! :) This is my unofficial general study schedule every day (not including the different classes i'm taking every day or the homework that they have me do)

6am: Wake up and get ready
7am: Catch the bus--Read
8am: Get to work...start my day
9am: Work
10am: Work
11am: Work
12pm: Leave work--catch the bus--Read
1pm: A little after one arrive home..have lunch...breathe :)
2pm: Video lecture
3pm: Video Lecture
4pm: Video Lecture
5pm: Video Lecture
6pm: Exercise and shower
7pm: Eat and Read
8pm: Read
9pm: Read
10pm: Read
11pm: Read
12pm: Sleep?

See how crazy it's gonna be??? Barbri also sets up a "paced study program" for everyone...which I will get to look at tomorrow(they release it to you online after 12pm)...that has the homework and what questions I need to look at and all that sort of fun stuff. I'm really glad I chose to take this course from home...I wouldve wasted so much time no public transportation getting to and from the place and back home.

I really hope everyone's having fun this weekend! I'm excited to get these next two months over with and hopefully it'll all be worth it in the end! I'll be trying my best to at least write a little bit everyday about the craziness of that particular day and or lecture :) Tomorrow I have to read the first half of my Torts outline by the first class...easy as cake! Lovings!