Saturday, June 5, 2010

First week...

Hello my loves!

So this week was my first week of part time working and my first week of classes. What a busy week it has been! If you skimmed over my schedule you'll see how crazy and demanding it is...and that doesnt include the time i'm putting into the lectures and obviously time i'm at work.

Working part-time is a bit of a challenge because i only have 4 hours to finish everything that i normally have 8 hours to do it in...Mondays and Fridays are our most demanding yesterday I was going crazy trying to finish everything up so I could leave eat lunch and begin my study day.

Since I didnt have "class" yesterday I worked on some essays assigned and got a head start on the homework for today. I then did my homework for today and finished my two essays for tomorrow (you're only allowed 30 min per essay) i techinically have the whole day today and tomorrow "free". I'll read over my material for Torts one more time and take the evening off to celebrate Robert's sister, Julie, birthday (21st to be exact) and enjoy myself for a bit.

It has been such warm and beautiful weather up here and i havent enjoyed it at all!!! as soon as i get into the swing of things i'd like ot be able to work some workout time into my schedule (which i havent done this week).

Pebbles has been the best study buddy...she hasnt been bugging me to play with her too much and actually took hold of my pen one day as you can see in the picture above...she's awesome

Each day i feel like i'm improving just a tiny bit makin mistakes i'm gonna learn how to fix them and improve...hopefully :). Well I'm off to make some lunch and read for a few hours...i hope everyone enjoys their weekend and does something fun...for me ;) Lovings!


Roberto said...

Outstanding! You're off to a good start. You are in our constant thoughts and more importantly, our prayers. We are behind you every step of the way, so don't feel that you are alone in this process.